Monday, March 7, 2016

4 March Auras and actions

4 March

This morning we set off first thing for Josephines as Willy was going to rider Argenta. On the way we talked again about the issue of controlling a young horse in full energy. Willy talked about how we have our body but we also have our aura (Willy also used the term charisma). We control the horse with our aura. The horse can see our aura. Anna has a small aura. Willy has a huge aura. You can feel it when you are with him.

He let Argenta run loose in the school first with her tack and he watched her. As Willy says "le cheval parle". He speaks. He always does this. He puts on the tack and then pulls down the stirrups and puts the reins behind the stirrups.He only rode her for 20 minutes...quality not quantity! Argenta was calm and obedient and immediately answered every question Willy posed for her. 

We returned to the stables to find Eric hurt in his box. It looks like he has been cast and has caught the inside of his right fore and right hind legs and also his nose. Luckily it is just the hair which has been taken off...but of course there is trauma so his leg is a bit swollen...but he is not lame. My poor Eric! We cleaned up the wounds and rubbed some of Willy's Schaette wound salve in it. Willy said we would do that once a day to keep the wounds supple.

For Willy's birthday treat we had lunch out at the Belgian resto in Autry Issards. Steak and chips with starter and dessert...yummy!

In the afternoon we rode a number of horses in the school. My favourite "The Galloper" was super to ride - We did a bit of work on shortening and lengthening the trot and I explained to F and Anna how important it is to breath when you ride...and that talking when you talk you have to breath and the horse is reassured by that. It is the same with the words we whoooaaaa is a great word as to make it we breath out (souffle in french). The horse feels the reduction in tension in our body...and as we relax he relaxes. I also tried to explain how important it is to be on the correct diagonal in rising trot and also to change the diagonal to avoid the horse becoming one sided.

I talked to Anna again about wearing protective clothing but I don't know whether she listens.She told me that she is only riding in an attempt to overcome her fear....for me it is necessary to love the horse...I think the horse feels this. I told Anna again to stop and think before doing something. She either reacts or she panics and when you panic you do not think you revert to habits. Stop, breath, think, choose, do.

Willy explained how important it is to fasten the leather chin strap immediately with the leather bit to prevent the horse chewing the bit. The leather pelham cost 300 euros! He always gives the horse a piece of apple to chew with the bit as it gives him a nice taste.

I guess many of you will have have experienced the horse trying to rub his head on you after work. It is natural for him to want to do this but interdit on the humans. For this reason Willy always keeps a towel to dry off the sweat around the head and ears after work.He also explained how he only uses water on the horse's feet. never oil or other products. The same with the horses coat. A healthy coat comes from the inside out not the other way around! He told us to examine the hoof. If there are ridges it is an indication of a problem internally.

Finally I looses schooled Eric in the manege to demonstrate to Anna that .it is not the words you use but it is how you say them and their effect on your breathing and your body.

We watched some videos of the effects of treatment by the oil....if I decide to have Eric treated I will need to be prepared for the likely reaction!

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